Jordan Clouds


Native Development

Develop scalable and resilient Cloud Native softwares on AWS with Jordan Clouds

Develop Cloud Native software on AWS and improve the user experience of your application: a resilient, highly available, and ready to scale application allows you to face traffic peaks while containing costs and maximizing uptime.
To take full advantage of the benefits of a Cloud Native development, it is necessary to revolutionize the way of designing, implementing, delivering and managing software. Whether it is a development from scratch or the refactoring of a legacy application, our team of AWS experts supports your technicians during both the definition of the requirements and the development activities, training them on the best practices of Cloud Native software development.
Thanks to our DevOps approach and to the expertise gained while building and managing microservices architectures, based on containers and serverless technologies, we can take care of the entire software lifecycle.
The implementation of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI / CD) pipelines allows you to increase the number of releases in production, increasing the speed with which your software is developed.
In addition, introducing Infrastructure Automation practices will further improve the maintainability of the entire Cloud infrastructure. JordanCloud AWS Cloud Native development services are the result of our specialization in software development on AWS: they combine DevOps methodologies with Serverless development, strengthened by our great experience in Cloud migration on AWS and by our recognized SaaS enablement expertise on AWS

Jordancloud’s AWS Cloud Native development services:

bring your applications to the Cloud with minimal refactoring effort, gaining scalability, high availability, and resilience.
increase both the number of releases in production and the speed of development of your software thanks to the implementation of CI / CD pipelines.
get a Cloud architecture based on containers, microservices, and Serverless services, which ensures better maintainability of the entire application stack and an easier evolution.